Jungle Tours 7d/6n


Jungle Tours

Native Communities: The Megantoni and Pongo de Megantoni area is home to various native communities that have lived in harmony with the jungle for centuries. Communities like Chomparina, Timpia, and others preserve their traditions and ancestral knowledge of sustainable use of natural resources. Visitors have the opportunity to interact with these communities, learn about their ways of life, participate in cultural activities, and share enriching experiences.

Moreover, the communities offer accommodation and opportunities to enjoy local cuisine, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the authenticity of Amazonian culture. Megantoni Reserve and Pongo de Megantoni are two prominent areas in the Peruvian jungle region. These areas host rich biodiversity and diverse native communities that have preserved their traditions and ancestral lifestyles. Here’s a relevant description of each.


Jungle Tours 7d/6n

Day 1.
Cusco to Kiteni/Chomparina, Pongo Mainique to jungle Travel .

The tour starts with an early morning pickup from your hotel in Cusco at 4 am. You will board a bus that will take you to Quillabamba in the jungle tours . The journey will take approximately 6 hours, and you will have a box lunch

at Habra Malaga, the highest point of the route. Upon reaching Quillabamba, you will visit the Sambaray Pool for refreshment and lunch. Afterward, you will continue your journey for 5 hours to the small town of Kiteni, where you

will rest for an hour before heading to the Native Community of Chomparina, where you will spend the night. Throughout the day, you will witness agricultural plantations, including banana, coffee, coca, and more, depending on the season.

Day 2. 
Pongo Mainique – Ivochote to Timpia Amazing  Jungle Tours:

After breakfast, you will proceed to the Port River Ivochote, where you will board a boat to Pongo Mainique. The boat ride will take approximately 3 hours, and you will have the opportunity to explore the unique geological

formation of Pongo Mainique and its surrounding forest. Your guide will provide insights into the historical significance of the Megantoni Sanctuary and its connection to the world of cinema. In the afternoon, you will head to the Lodge of the Commonwealth Native Timpia, where you will spend the night and have the chance to participate in a night walk.

Day 3. 
Pongo Mainique – Macaw Clay lick to Jungle Tours :

Early in the morning, you will visit the Collpa (clay lick) of parrots. Later in the day, you will move to another Native Community, where you will spend the night in tents. Here, you will have the opportunity to gather around a campfire, enjoy typical jungle drinks, and immerse yourself in the rainforest ambiance.

Day 4.
  Native Community  amazing Jungle Tours

In the morning, you will visit a Native Community and spend the day with a native family, gaining insights into their way of life. In the afternoon, you will proceed to another native community, where you will camp and participate in traditional ceremonies guided by an Amazonian Shaman. This will provide a unique opportunity to cleanse your soul and experience indigenous rituals.

Day 5.
Camping  River to Amazing Hike Rinforest Jungle Tours.

After breakfast, you will take a boat back to Pongo Mainique, where you can reconnect with ancient beliefs and strengthen your spiritual connection. In the afternoon, you will navigate a tributary of the Alto Urubamba River and engage in fishing and angling activities.

Day 6.
Camping river to Community Tintiniquiato Hike :

After breakfast, you will explore the Megantoni Sanctuary forest throughout the morning. In the afternoon, you will return to the Colona Community and camp in Tintiniquiato. This day offers further opportunities to experience the rich biodiversity and natural wonders of the rainforest.

Day 7.
Pongo Mainique – Back Kiteni/Quillabamba to Cusco:

In the early morning, you will travel by car back to Quillabamba, arriving around noon.  After lunch, the journey continues to Cusco, with an expected arrival time of 10 pm.

NOTE .Tour provides an immersive experience in the Peruvian jungle, allowing you to connect with nature, indigenous communities, and ancient traditions while exploring unique landscapes and enjoying the beauty of the rainforest.





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Incluye en el Tour a la Selva Pongo Maynique 7dias.


  • Guía Naturalista Profesional;
  • Transporte Bote Fuera de Borda;
  • Transporte Terrestre en Vehículo privado para viajes a la selva;
  • Entrada a la Reserva del Parque Manu ;
  • Cocinero Profesional,
  • Alimentación: 6 Desayunos, 7 Almuerzos, 6 Cenas. y agua potable (Nota: ¡opción
  • Vegetariana disponible a pedido sin costo adicional!);
  • 4 Noches en el Albergue;
  • 2 ncohes camping
  • Kit de Primeros Auxilios;
  • Radiocomunicaciones para viajes a la selva;
  • Botas de Goma.

Not Incluye en el Tour a la Selva Pongo Maynique 7dias.

  • Vuelos e Impuestos de Salida del Aeropuerto;
  • Seguro de Viaje;
  • Vacunas para viajes a la selva;
  • Desayuno el Primer Día y Cena el Ultimo Día;
  • Bebidas;

Qué llevar en el

  • Repelente de Mosquitos (¡¡DEET 35 Recomendado como MÍNIMO!!),
  • Pasaporte Original para Viajes a la Selva,
  • Mochila Pequeña,
  • Camisas de Manga Larga de Algodón (Preferiblemente de color verde),
  • Pantalón Largo de Algodón,
  • Calcetines Largos de Algodón (para poner en los Pantalones),
  • Zapatos Cómodos para Caminar,
  • Sandalias o Zapatos Ligeros,
  • Equipo de Lluvia (por ejemplo, Poncho de Lluvia),
  • Traje de Baño;
  • Prismáticos (también disponibles para Alquiler),
  • Cámara y Cargador,
  • Bolsas de Plástico para Ropa y Cámara,
  • Sombrero como Protección contra el Sol y/o la Lluvia,
  • Artículos de Aseo,
  • Toalla Pequeña,
  • Papel Higiénico,
  • Gel Antibacterial,
  • Crema solar,
  • Lentes de Sol,
  • Linterna (con bombilla de Repuesto y Pilas),
  • Botella de Agua (1 Litro como Mínimo),
  • Dinero de Bolsillo (soles) para comprar algunas Bebidas y souvenirs,



The native community living in Megantoni in the Amazing Jungle is incredibly diverse, with groups such as the Yine Yami (also known as Piro), the Nanty, and the Nahua Yora.

The Yine Yami people are traditionally known as Piro. The Piro had significant control over interregional trade, the entrance to the Tambo River, and the famous Salt Mountain. Additionally, they controlled the area near Cusco and had contact with Andean trade. Their communities, Sentido and Miaria, border the Ucayali department. The Piros are the main suppliers of fish to the town of Sepahua and are renowned for their skills in trade and navigation in the Amazing Jungle.

The Amazing Jungle Native/Nanty:

Most Nanty are known as Kugapakori. This name was given to them by the Machiguenga and means “angry or wild people” as they aggressively defend their territories and chose to live in isolation. In contrast, they refer to themselves as “Nanti,” meaning good people. The Nanti Kugapakori opted out of the Machiguenga option to remain isolated from society. News of their existence has circulated since 1750, and in 1972, the first small groups were contacted. One of the Nanti/Kugapacori groups resides in settlements called Marankiato and Montetoni, where other Nanti/Kugapacori groups also live within the Nahua Kugapacori Reserve, part of the Manu National Park and the Megantoni Amazing Jungle Reserve.

Incredible Jungle Natives/Nahua/Yora:

The Nahua Yora are part of the panlinguistic family and Yaminahua groups, living between the Misahua River (Serjali) and Sepahua. Only in the last 12 years have the Nahua Yora settled closely together. Before 1982, they migrated between the Yurua Purus, Mishagua River, and the Manu National Park to hunt, fish, and gather forest resources. Today, they reside in the Mishau River basin, a tributary of the lower Urubamba. Over 90% of the Nahua/Yora population lives in the native community of Santa Rosa de Serjali alongside the Nahua Kugapakoru Reserve.

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