Machu Picchu Birdwatching 5D/4N
Rainforest Bird Machu Picchu .
Tropical Rainforest Bliss: Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of a wild rainforest, home to an extraordinary diversity of bird species.
Record-Breaking Avian Richness: With a record-setting tally of over 400 bird species, this expedition promises a birdwatcher’s paradise, showcasing the incredible biodiversity of the region.
Why Rainforest Bird Machu Picchu?
This expedition is not merely a journey; it’s an exploration into the heart of a vibrant ecosystem where the avian symphony creates an unparalleled experience for nature enthusiasts.
What Sets This Expedition Apart?
Endemic Marvels: Encounter endemic bird species found nowhere else on Earth, adding a unique and exclusive touch to your birdwatching adventure.
Machu Picchu Backdrop: Marvel at the ancient wonders of Machu Picchu while being surrounded by the vibrant colors and calls of the rainforest birds, creating an unforgettable juxtaposition of nature and history.
Machupicchu Birdwatching 5d /4N
Day 1: Cusco Machupicchu to Huacarpay / Ollantaytambo / Peñas .
We pick up our passengers early from the hotel to begin our activities of the Machupicchu Birdwatching of bird observation in Laguna Huacarpay which is 30 minutes from Cusco at 3400 m.a.s.l. where the guide will give his
knowledge and show the more important birds, for example: Rusty fronted canastero, Bearded mountaineer, Plumbeous Rail, AndeanBlack, Rufous naped Ground tyrante, streak fronted thornbird, cinnamon teal, puna teal,
yellow billed pintail, greenish yellow finch, Black chested Buzzard eagle and many more. Later we continue to Urubamba where we have lunch and then travel to Ollanta y Peñas where we can view birds such as: White tufted
sunbeam, chestnut breasted mountain finch, Great sapphiwing, golden billed saltator, Peruvian pygmy Owl, cream
crested Spinetail, green and white hummingbirds, among others. After, we return to the hotel in Ollantaytambo.
Activity Machupicchu Trek and Amazon Birding Manu
Day 2 : Machupicchu Birdwatching to Ollantaytambo/ Canchayo /Carrizales / san Luis / Machupicchu Birdwatching .
We will be leaving Ollanta at 4:30 am in our bus for 1.5 hrs to Canchayoc where we begin to view birds such as:
White Browed conebill, Marcapata Spinetail, Puna thistletail, parodis Hemispin, Sapphire vented puffleg, tit like
dacnis, sword Billed Hummingbird, purple Backed thornbill, Rufous Antpitta, Inca wren, cusco brush finch, Gray breasted mountain Toucan, Scarlet bellied mountain tanager, Golden collared Tanager, and others. In the
afternoon we return to the hotel in Ollantaytambo.
Night walking Machupicchu.
Day 3 : Machu picchu Birdwatching Cusco to Ollantaytambo
We leave Ollanta at 5:30 after breakfast to go to Abra Malaga, the high part of Polylepis at 4230 m.a.s.l. which is 45 minutes from Ollanta. We climb the hill where we will be for 4 hrs to observe: Andean condor, royal Cinclodes,
puna tapaculo, ash breasted tit tyrant, junin canastero, White browed tit spinetail, tawny tit spinetail, Giant
conebill, Stripe headed Antpitta, puna Ground tyrant, rufous naped Ground tyrant, White winged Diuca finch, olivaceopus thornbill, Andean Hillstard and many more bird communities. Later we go down the trail to have
lunch. Then we continue to observe more birds and at 4 PM return to Ollanta to take the train to Aguas Calientes where we will have dinner and stay in the hotel.
jungle trek Birdwatching to Machupicchu.
Day 4: Aguas Calientes to Mandor / Machupicchu Birdwatching.
We leave the hotel after breakfast at 6 :00 Am to begin viewing birds such as: White capped dipper, torrent Duck, green and White hummingbird, Highland Motmot, Ocellated piculet, Variable Antshrike, Andean Cock Of The
Rock, Masked fruiteater, Inca Flycatcher, Sclater•s Tyranulet, Inca Flycatcher, silver Backed tanager, slaty
tanager, collared Inca, black streak puffbird, Pale legged Warbler, White eared Solitare, and others. Then we
return to Aguas Calientes for lunch and a rest. In the afternoon we continue observing birds in the high part then we return to the hotel for dinner.
Day 5 :Return Machu Picchu to Cusco / Machupicchu Birdwatching.
Today after breakfast we climb in the bus to go to the archaeological zone to appreciate the incredible Incan
construction where we can see temples, agricultural parts, astrological zones, and many more things. After that
visit, we return to Aguas Calientes for lunch before our departure to Cusco where sadly but surely the tour comes to an end.
Some tried the cuy, others the alpaca. The train ride to Aguas Calientes had us all smiling and yelling out “Another Torrent Duck!” or in Jose’s case, “Motmot!” Lucretia walked us through the phenomenal site of Machu Picchu; the impressively laid stones and the 360-degree view of jagged Andean peaks, well, it was almost too much to take in .Our
experiences in Aguas Calientes didn’t end there, as Mandor Valley offered a different perspective on the Incan site, as well as some awesome birding:
what about that mega flock?
And the grounds of Inkaterra (coffee in hand) — do we really have to leave?
Back to Ollantaytambo, and birding the pass of Abra Malaga birdwatching with the high peak known as Veronica in her white dress. She’s always lovely, but especially so in the early morning sun. We birded both slopes: the drier west side, and the more humid east. A visit machupicchu to Maxima’s house, enjoying her warm potatoes, and we marvelled at her strong, yet lonely existence. Plus, y’all climbed the ridge above the pass (14,500′ or so), breaking trail through snow, to stand on hallowed ground. So quiet, peaceful, just the wind, the valley below… and soaring condors. It was a pleasure guiding this group. I hope to see you again soon. Until then, safe travels and always good birwatching.
jungle machupicchu
Incluido en Rainforest Bird.
Professional naturalist tour guide;
Transportation by motor boat;
Land transportation by private vehicle;
Entrance to the thermal baths (Aguas Calientes del Manu National Park);
Professional cook,
Meals: 4x breakfast, 4x lunch, 4x dinner and drinking water (Note: Vegetarian option upon request at no additional cost);
Accommodation: 3 nights in lodges,
First aid kit, including venom extractor, treatment for mosquito bites and an antidote for snake bites;
Rafting equipment and life jackets;
Radio communications;
Rubber boots
No Incluye en el Rainforest Bird
- Vuelos e impuestos de salida del aeropuerto;
- Seguro de viaje;
- Vacunas para viajes a la selva;
- Desayuno el primer día y cena el último día;
- bebidas;
- Propinas al personal local.
Qué llevar en en Tour .
- Repelente de mosquitos (¡¡DEET 35 recomendado como MÍNIMO!!),
- Pasaporte original para viajes a la selva,
- Mochila pequeña,
- Camisas de manga larga de algodón (preferiblemente de color verde),
- Pantalón largo de algodón,
- Calcetines largos de algodón (para poner en los pantalones),
- Zapatos cómodos para caminar,
- Sandalias o zapatos ligeros,
- Equipo de lluvia (por ejemplo, poncho de lluvia),
- Traje de baño;
- Prismáticos (también disponibles para alquiler),
- Cámara y cargador,
- Bolsas de plástico para ropa y cámara,
- Sombrero como protección contra el sol y/o la lluvia,
- Artículos de aseo,
- Toalla pequeña,
- Papel higiénico,
- Gel antibacterial,
- Crema solar,
- lentes de sol,
- Linterna (con bombilla de repuesto y pilas),
- Botella de agua (1 litro como mínimo),
- Dinero de bolsillo (soles) para comprar algunas bebidas y souvenirs, así como
- para dar propina.
Birding Tour to Machu Picchu by Lodge: A Unique Adventure to the Heart of the Andes
Dramatic Landscapes: The journey is set against a backdrop of towering snow-capped peaks, dense cloud forests, and rushing rivers. From the vibrant greens of the Amazon basin to the high-altitude ecosystems of the Andes, this trip takes you through an incredible array of landscapes.
Birding Hotspots: Home to some of the richest biodiversity on the planet, the region surrounding Machu Picchu is teeming with life. Spot an array of dazzling species, including the national bird of Peru, the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, along with tanagers, hummingbirds, parrots, and tree ferns. The region’s ecosystems host an impressive number of resident and migratory birds, making it one of the world’s most important birdwatching destinations.
The Inca Trail: In addition to birding, your adventure includes a section of the historic Inca Trail,
offering a deeper connection to Peru’s ancient history. The Inca Trail will take you through spectacular viewpoints, showcasing the beauty of the Urubamba Valley and leading you to the Machu Picchu Sanctuary, where awe-inspiring views await.
Hot Springs: For the perfect way to relax after a day of hiking and birdwatching, you’ll have the opportunity to soak in the therapeutic Cocalmayo Hot Springs, known for their turquoise waters and natural healing properties. The perfect spot to unwind and reflect on your journey.
Review Machu Picchu Birdwatching 5D/4N.