Birdwatching Peru Travel
Tambopata Bird Watching
Manu Bird Watching
We have discovered 16 new bird species in the Birdwatching Peru in the last 10 years. The new additions to the
birds of the region cover a wide range of bird families and include the discovery of a raptor in the southern Peruvian Amazon.
Birds of the Amazon In 2002 the cryptic wild falcon (Micrastur mintoni) was discovered. This Brazilian species has
bright orange skin around the eyes.
The total population of this bird is assumed to be large, considering its wide distribution, but in general little is
known about this new species of Amazon.
In 2007, a new bird was described from the Peruvian Amazon. The rufous-winged or rufous-winged Autin
(Cnipodectes superrufus) has a multitude of variations in its reddish-brown coloring.
Despite extensive ornithological research in the southeastern region of Madre de Dios, this species had not been detected, largely due to the inaccessibility of its natural habitat.
The species is restricted to thorny thickets of bamboo (Guadua weberbaueri) reaching five meters in height, a poorly studied habitat in the Amazon birding .
Originally this bird had been observed only at a few sites in Madre de Dios and in a nearby region.
The bird’s known distribution is 3400-89000 km2 dominated by bamboos found in the forests of Madre de Dios (Peru),
Birdwatching Peru -Pando (Bolivia) and Acre (Brazil) – Observacion Aves Peru.
It then spread; this last area includes the Manu National Park.
Birds of the Amazon According to scientists, the Rufous-winged Woodpecker is probably the least abundant of all bamboo specialist birds in the Amazon.
Its short-term risk of extinction is low, but recent development projects, including the paving of the Interoceanic
Highway, will increase the number of human settlements and habitat destruction in the region. In addition, the socioeconomic value of bamboo and the increasing tendency to harvest it suggest that the extent of suitable habitat for the species may decrease in the future.
The Iquitos Gnatcatcher (Polioptila clementsi), discovered in 2005, is now considered critically endangered. Also in the Peruvian Amazon,
Birdwatching Peru – this new bird was discovered in Allpahuayo Mishana-Reserva Nacional, just west of Iquitos in the Peruvian region of -Loreto Observacion Aves Peru .
Sighting it is rare in the white sand forests they inhabit. Only fifteen pairs are located in surveys of available habitats within the Reserve. And since its discovery, it seems to be becoming more difficult to locate the species each year.
The species is in real danger of extinction due to its restricted distribution, extremely small population and the deforestation that occurs in the area.
Logging for agriculture, facilitated by government incentives to promote colonization of the land around Iquitos, such as clearing forests within a national reserve to boost construction and firewood and charcoal56 continue to threaten the available habitat.
Birdwatching Peru – The ancient forests of the slow-growing Varrals, the habitat par excellence of Polioptila clementsi, occur on particularly quartzitic soils deficient in nutrients, and may never regenerate if destroyed.
The Amazonian forests that grow on white sand and other soils deficient in ornithological nutrients hold many surprises. A few years earlier, in 2001, another new species, the Messana tyrant
(Zimmerius villarejoi) was again described from the white sand beach near Iquitos in the Peruvian region of Loreto in the Peruvian jungle.
Among the many birds of the Amazon, the parrots are often the most spectacular for their color. The bald parrot (Pyrilia aurantiocephala,
originally known as Pionopsitta aurantiocephala),
A member of the true parrot family, it caused a sensation when it was reported in 2002, Observacion Aves Peru .
mainly because it is hard to believe that such a large and colorful bird has gone unnoticed in the world. As its name implies, the species has an astonishing bald, featherless head, but other than that, it is a very colorful bird.
It displays an extraordinary range of colors: “orange head” Vivid yellowish-green nape parrot-green body with greenish wings bathed in ultramarine blue, cyan, orange, emerald green and scarlet; orange and yellow legs.
Birdwatching Per -This parrot has been observed only in a few places in the lower Madeira and Tapajós rivers in the Brazilian Amazon. It has currently been only two habitat types and in a relatively small area.
Scientists say that although the region where the Pionopsitta aurantiocephala specimens were collected
is devoted primarily to ecotourism, regions near the headwaters of the
Tapajós River and the entire southern fringe of the Amazon are constantly threatened by the
destructive activities of logging companies in the Peruvian rainforest. On the lists, the species
is listed as “near threatened” because its population is small and is declining moderately due to habitat loss in Amazonian birds.
In 2005 a new species of parakeet, Aratinga pintoi, was found in the Amazon River basin.
The Sulphur-breasted Parrot, as the species is commonly known, was found only in open areas with sandy soils in Monte Alegre, on the northern bank of the lower Amazon River, Pará State, Brazil.
Its plumage is of splendid colours, adorned with a green crown, an orange forehead, a yellow back
speckled with green dots, a sulphur-coloured breast and deep blue wingtips.
It was initially thought to be the juvenile form of another species or a hybrid of two species,
but, surprisingly, scientists have been collecting, examining and identifying the wrong type since the early 20th century.
Today, Aratinga pintoi is a fairly common bird in Monte Alegre, easily located along the main roads in groups of up to ten individuals, and flying over the town.
However, as is usual with new parrot species, scientists now fear that farmers will soon begin to obtain and trade these birds through illegal markets.
Some scientists are concerned not only about the preservation of the newly described, endangered and threatened Amazonian birds,
but primarily about the “forgotten taxa”.
Many species are desperately waiting for some dedicated ornithologist or an employee of an often poorly funded South American
museum to devote their own time and resources to formally describe the birds, while there is also a huge
demand for ecological studies to better understand and define the threatened status of a number of species for which insufficient data
In a race against time, ornithological research to adequately describe the complex and rich
avifauna of this planet is lagging behind the pace at which the region is developing, and many Amazonian bird species are already threatened with extinction.
PERUVIAN AMAZON: Birdwatching Peru .
The Peruvian Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth. It is known for its unique biodiversity, with
wildlife including jaguars, river dolphins, manatees, giant otters, capybaras, harpy eagles, anacondas and piranhas.
The vast number of unique habitats in this region hide important globally abundant species, which scientists are discovering at an incredible rate.
Between 1999 and 2009, at least 1,200 new species of plants and vertebrates have been discovered in the
Amazon Biome (see map on page 6, which shows the extent covered by this biome).
The new species include 637 plants, 257 fish, 216 amphibians, 55 reptiles, 16 birds and 39 mammals. In addition,
many new species of invertebrates have been found. Given the large number of invertebrate species, this report does not cover them in detail.
The conservation of the Peruvian Amazon is essential for the future of humanity:
The multiple threats facing the Peruvian Amazon increase pressure on the natural resources and environmental services that millions of people depend on.
These significant threats are ultimately linked to international market forces and the
everyday practices that rely on the Amazon for their goods and services.
The Peruvian Amazon affects weather patterns around the world and helps stabilize the climate. Therefore,
it is vital to conserve Amazonian forests if we are to address global climate change.
Any development in the Amazon must be managed in an integrated and sustainable manner, so that the key attributes and ecological functions of the area are
maintained. Historically, each country in the region has only
considered part of the Amazon that lies within its national borders, worrying about the benefits it provides to its citizens.
This has resulted in a fragmented policy-making process, as well as uncontrolled
exploitation of goods and services in the Amazon. This process has also overlooked the viability of the region as a whole.
Growth in key sectors such as agriculture, livestock and energy exacerbates the negative effects of
this approach. These economic sectors are expanding in response to global demand. They depend on
investments in infrastructure development, such as those contained in the IIRSA.
These are the forces that currently form the basis for the “integration” of the Amazon into national and global economies.
Observacion Aves Peru .
They are generating short-term income and improving national economic indicators. But it must incorporate
consideration of the environmental and social costs of such developments into the axis of development planning.
Around the world, there are marginalized or minority groups within society, including indigenous peoples and rural communities, who suffer the environmental and social impacts of unsustainable development.
The Amazon is no exception. Amazon conservation is first and foremost crucial to the
survival of the 2.7 million people in over 320 indigenous groups who have depended on its wealth
for centuries. In this context, the fate of the Amazon ultimately depends on a significant change in the way Amazonian countries understand the development.
It is vital to sustainably manage the Amazon as a functional whole. The desire to protect the functionality
of the region for the common good must become the central task of Amazonian nations.
Responsible management of the Amazon rainforest .