Giant River Otter – Manu Tour Peru
Giant River Otter – Manu Tour (pteronura brasiliensis), the largest, rarest and most formidable predatory otter in the world Rainforest Sabdoval Lake Tour.
Martha Brecht, a former otter researcher, has observed Giant Otters attack, kill and eat caiman up to 5 feet (1.7 meters) long, first by ripping out their soft underbellies then by devouring the caimans’ heads, bones and tails.
Brecht has also seen the otters attack and eat anacondas, the jungle’s largest constrictor snake ,and even chase
jaguars from Manu’s lake edges on three different occasions Normally, however, Giant Otters pass the day quietly,
feeding almost exclusively on a diet of fish. Up to six feet(1.8 meters) long and weighing as much as 70 pounds (32 kilos), Giant Otters were at
one time commonly seen swimming throughout the tour Amazon’s tour innumerable rivers and lake intense
hunting pressure caused by the international fur trade during the middle of this century, however, took an enormous
toll, reducing a population once numbering perhaps in the hundreds of thousands to a current population of perhaps
only a few thousand individuals. Between 1946 and 1973 .for example, over 24,000 Giant Otter skins were exported
from Peru during the 1960’s another 20,000 skins were exported from Brazil and peru tour .
Today remnant populations inhabit only the most isolated jungle manu tour regions where occasionally they are still the target of illegal skin hunters.
With an estimated population of fewer that 100 individuals, Tour National Park may protect the largest Giant otter Amazon Tour
population in the world Jungle Tour Peru – Giant River Otter – Manu Tour Peru.
Because of their local abundance yet overall rarity, scientist in National Park Tour have been intensively studying the Giant Otter in order to learn how to protect it and about the ecological niche that it once filled.
Known in Spanish as lobos de río, or “river wolves,” research has shown that the name aptly describes both the Giant Otter’s predatory nature and its unusual feeding habitsperuvian manu tour rainforest.
Unlike European and North American otters Amazonia Tour, which generally spend much of the year alone, the Giant Otter characteristically lives and hunts in
permanent groups of from four to six adults. When hunting, the otters often swim together along the edge of a lake,
or cocha, diving in unison for 10-20 seconds while chasing fish underwater.
Long whiskers on the tops, bottoms and sides of their heads allow them to detect currents and thus to give chase to their prey despite the cocha’s notoriously murky water.
During a chase, the lake surface often explodes as a fish leaps frantically from the water then dives again, its
movements mirrored by that of a rapidly pursuing otter.
Seizing a large fish in its wolf-sized teeth, an otter will clasp it in its paws, then swim on its back or haul out onto a partially submerged log.
There it will first devour the fish’s head, then rip, crush and swallow the rest of its bones scales and organs. Weighing
a little less than half the amount of an average man, adult otters nevertheless commonly eat up to 10 pounds (4 kilos)
of fish per day .peru rainforest tour .
Giant Otters Are Diurnal Mammals, Being Active Only From Dawn to Dusk – Giant River Otter – Manu Tour Peru
Manu Tour -They commonly sleep in underground dens near the lake shore at night. During the day they spend considerable time grooming one another, a behavior typical among most Iiving carnivores.
Scientists believe that such grooming contributes to cohesion, which is important for animals that must avoid
fighting each other as well as cooperate with one another in order to hunt and to defend themselves against predators.
Research thus far shows that only one pair of otters in each group attempts to breed in any given season Jungle rainforest tour .
The gestation period lasts for about 10 weeks and a female will give birth in a communal den to an average of two cubs.
When the cubs are about two weeks old, the father and mother will carry them outside one by one and then drop
them into the water at the dens entrance.
About a foot long and with their eyes still closed, the helpless cubs bob up and down. Meanwhile, all of the adults
crowd around, grabbing the cubs repeatedly by the scruff of the neck, lifting them up and plopping them down into the shallow water for their first swim lesson.
Thus begins the otters’ initiation into the outside world amazon tour .
While the cubs are developing they are especially vulnerable to predators such as the giant Black Caiman-a reptilian
throw-back to the dinosaur age that can reach a size of up to 18 feet (5.5 meters); adult Black Caimans often lurk about the growing otters den.
Nearly hunted to extinction elsewhere in the Amazon tour , Black Caimans inhabit in numbers comparable to those
that existed before the arrival of Europeans rainforest trek tour Their coexistence with otters. however, is not always peaceful. On several occasions otter researchers
Martha Brecht and Talía Llosa have seen caimans lunge at a group of passing otters, which characteristically back up, snort warnings, regroup and then gradually move off.
Caimans under 5 feet (1.5 meters) in length, however, are sometimes attacked in masse from every direction;
they are then quickly disemboweled and eaten. Such confrontations, although not common. have led researchers in
Manu to develop one of the current theories for the otters’ unusual group-like existence:
it may be a behavior that evolved eons ago as a defense against their most ancient enemy-the giant Black Caiman and many specie it lives in amazonia raiforest tour
The Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) Rainforest Wildlife Tour
is one of the top predators in South America’s tropical lowlands. With an overall length of up to six feet (1.8 m) and a
weight of up to 70 pounds (32 kg) it does not have to fear any other predator, except man. Monthly and even annual salaries were involved when giant otter skins were traded.
Between 1946 and 1971, more than 24,000 pelts were exported from national park tour Peru alone. Since 1973 this
international trade is strictly prohibited and giant otters are now protected by law throughout their range.
Nevertheless, it does not ensure their safety and recovery. Giant otters have only survived along rivers and lakes in the most isolated regions such as Manu tour jungle .
Here the total population is estimated at not more than 60 individuals.
Living in Closely-nit Family Groups, Giant Otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) Manu Biosphere Tour .
are highly social animals. They hunt communally for fish and rest together in under ground dens. They like to play
and even the breaks during daytime are spent in close contact to each other on fallen trees along the lake’s shore.
Living in a family group is essential to giant otters peruvian mazonia tour ; older brothers and sisters often care for
dependent young while the mother is hunting together with other family members.
To nurse the offspring and to produce sufficient milk, female otters require plenty of food. Adult otters eat up to 9
pounds (4 kg) of fish a day. The fish are ripped apart with the otter’s strong jaws and devoured from head to tail.
Feeding in general takes up a considerable amount of time-in a twelve-hour day, up to seven hours are spent for hunting and eating in the lake peruvian tour amazon.
Giant Otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) – Rainforest Tour Peru .
Are territorial animals and families defend their respective home range. Marking sites, where droppings and urine are deposited. serve as indicators for the boundaries.
Conflicts between neighboring groups are rare: they simply avoid each other. In Manu the territory of a giant otter group usually encompasses one or more Oxbow lakes and the adjacent stretch of the main river.
Jungle Manu Tour .
Individual Giant otters Are Easily Identified by Their Irregularly-Shaped Throat Patches
For observing researchers, these light patches are like magnified finger prints. Using a catalogue of these throat patterns, the life history of individual animals can be traced for several years.
The pictures above on the right side and on the following page show the female Punto, as a juvenile of a few months only and three years later as an adult, respectively.
Her name came from the small black dot in the middle of her light throat patch. Peruvia Tour Jungle .
Punto’s History is Typical for the Life of a Giant Otter in National Park .
Born in 1989 in a dark underground den at the shore of Cocha Otorongo, she spent the first 3 years together with her
family group in this oxbow lake along the Manu river. In May 1992, by then an adult.
she began to separate from the group and left the parental home range soon after.
She came back to Cocha Otorongo only once, 4 months later, together with her new mate. During this brief visit she
did not make any contact with her former playmates and hunting partners and shortly after she appeared downriver at a different lake.
This time her mate was also identified: It was Pez at Cocha Zacarita, 66 km downriver from Cocha Cashu Amazonia Manu Tour peru.
They were accompanied by their offspring, a young adult born in 1994, one sub adult born in 1995 and two youngsters of a few months only.
Very little is known about the eating habits of the giant otter. (Pteronura brasiliensis). The study on the feeding
ecology of the otter giant, based on fecal analysis and direct observations of individuals feeding, was developed in a
field phase from October 1997 to July 1998, including the hydroclimatic periods of the area. The area of The study is located in the Orinoco river basin, on the Bita river, in the Department of Vichada – Colombia.
Considering that these individuals are feed mostly on fish, the analysis was based on indigestible structures of the same and in another type of remains of the different classes of vertebrates that were found in the 126 samples
collected, where it was possible to determine the presence of 12 different families of fish, as well as mammals, reptiles and birds.
A reference collection of fish caught (of sizes that vary between 10 and 60 cm in total length, which can be considered as possible prey for otters).
You can differentiate 6 different orders, 14 families and 26 genera.
In addition, work was done on the direct identification by observation of individuals feeding, for which a previous
training where 12 sightings of individuals feeding (11 consuming fish, and one of a juvenile catching and consuming a
turtle), where the prey is identified in all opportunities and a size is given approximate.
The results obtained were compared between the different periods.
hydroclimatic, as well as a comparison between the diet of these animals and fish taken from the river, showing that
giant otters are animals opportunists, who 96.4% consumed fish, mostly from families twenty Erythrinidae,
Pimelodidae, Cichlidae and Serrasalmidae amazonia tour peruvian .
By capturing fish and added to interviews with people in the area, it was concluded that the offer diet of the place
was conducive to sustaining the existing population of otters, together with fishing activities that comply with the
closed seasons and fishing gear allowed by the competent authorities . Jungle Tour
Giant River Otters
A giant otter, also known as a water dog, water wolf or araran is one of the largest mustelids in the world (Staib & Schenck, 1994), from the which there is not a complete knowledge about its ecology, biology and behaviour jungle tour .
This species is characterized for being one of the largest neotropical carnivores, described as a predator (located on
the scale trophic maximum of neotropical ecosystems forest tour ), which feeds on fish (primarily) and other species
of animals associated with bodies of water of the Rainforest Tour Amazon and the Orinoquía.
They can consume up to 4 kg of fish per day, those that it captures in the shallow areas of rivers, streams and lagoons (Duplaix, 1980; Defler, 1983; Brecht-Munn & Munn, 1988). Its distribution is very related to said offer, which should
be used as a kind of bioindicator, but in reality it has become a new threat to the species forest tour ,
because the fishermen of the area see the otter as a competitor,
alleging that it decreases and drives away fish populations that they are going to capture. Due to the lack of
knowledge about the basic ecology of the species and the new conflicts between the otters and the inhabitants of the area, the need to carry out a study that could cover the points of
knowledge 22 about their food ecology and clarify the supposed competition that exists between otters and fishing
activities. According to the few works referring to the subject of the diet of otters,
This research studies the food supply that the habitat offers to otters, the use that they make of the resource and
aims to clarify the concept of otter as a competitor with humans for the fishery resource .peruvian jungle tour
Peru Giant River Otter – Manu Tour